Giammarco Falcone
Falcone’s work tries to establish a dialogue with the history of painting, investigating from inside all the aspects of this medium. Falcone analyses Painting reusing old masters’ works and coping the same technics to appropriating and distorting them in his owns painting process. Falcone’s paintings are a combination of old and modern technics, where ancient’s recipes are sometimes mixed with digital manipulations. Blurring the limits in his painting, Falcone creates unclear and confusing atmospheres, switching indistinctly between figuration and abstraction.
Represented by gallery Archiraar, Brussels.
Falcone was born in Palermo (Italy) in 1990. He grew up in Milano where he obtained the diplôma at the Liceo Artistico di Brera in 2008 and he continued to study Art History at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. In 2010 he moved to Brussels, where he attended the Painting course at ERG (École de Recherche Graphique). He finished his Master in Fine Arts in 2015 at KASK (Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten) in Gent, mentored by Narcisse Tordoir. During his studies in Belgium, he performed at Luc Tuymans exhibition’s opening at Bozar (2011) and took part in the group show Tranlation(s) at Bruxelles Congress (2012). In 2015, he had various solo exhibitions including In.visibile at Alson gallery (Milan) with an artwork from Tintoretto (1518-1594) and Ermetism I & II at Archiraar Gallery (Bruxelles) and at Croxhapox (Gent). He has been selected to take part to the Courtauld Institute’s Biennial (London), Artificial realities (2016-2017), with world renowned artists such as Tracey Emin, Rachel Whiteread, Daniel Buren, …

Mineral #1 ‐ 2014 - Mixed media / Technique mixte

LO STRATEGA (PAINTER’S REGRETS), 2016. Oil, ink, tar and wax, 120 x 80 cm