The exhibition
ab·sence (ăb′səns)

Nicholas Missel
Momento Mori - 2015 / Plexiglas, Urethane / 38”x 24”x61”

Nicholas Missel - ‘Momento Mori’ & Dolores Furtado - ‘In the Mind’

Dolores Furtado
In the mind - 2017 - resin 96 x 48 x 48 inches

Dolores Furtado - ‘In the Mind’ and spectator

Nicholas Missel - ‘Momento Mori’ & Dolores Furtado - ‘In the Mind’

Matthew Stone ‘Grey rainbow column’ & Seth Wulsin ‘Wishing well cyclops‘

Matthew Stone
Grey rainbow column - 2017 -61 x 9.5 x 6.5 inches

Seth Wulsin
Wishing well cyclops -mirrors, silicone - 2011

Dolores Furtado ‘
Chapon - 2016 - paper pulp - 60 x 48 x 3 inches

Monica Cook
Roots - 2018 - Vintage mirror, glass, interference plastic sheeting, magnifying sheets, copper tape, copper/tin solder, aqua resin, acrylic paint, wood, and steel frame - 52”x48”x28”

Monica Cook
Roots - 2018 - Vintage mirror, glass, interference plastic sheeting, magnifying sheets, copper tape, copper/tin solder, aqua resin, acrylic paint, wood, and steel frame - 52”x48”x28”

Michelle C. Gevint
Still from 'The sweet stench of sulfur' - 2017, single channel, 8:59.

Alexandra Leyre Mein ‘Regridded’ & Hedwig Brouckaert ‘A knot, a tangle, a blemish in the eternal smoothness -

Alexandra Leyre Mein
Regridded - 2016 (standing up) - Hydrostone, mesh wire, cloth, rebar, metal, paint, pigments and varnish
55 x 33 x 24 inches

Hedwig Brouckaert
A knot, a tangle, a blemish in the eternal smoothness - 2014
Magazine clippings, human hair, pins and wire - variable dimensions